The following article exclusively pertains to a Graylog Security feature or functionality. Graylog Security is a part of the Graylog centralized log management platform and requires a separate license. Contact the Graylog Sales team for more information on this product.

Graylog Security’s asset management tool allows you to track different types of assets across your environment and enrich messages with asset data. Asset information can be manually added through the Graylog UI or synced through LDAP or Active Directory.

When asset data is added to Graylog, assets can be associated with specific incoming log messages that match fields in the Asset database, enriching them with detailed asset information. This is achieved through activating the Illuminate:Assets processing pack or implementing a series of pipeline rules. Consequently, these linked assets become searchable and can be utilized in generating alerts.


Asset Types

There are two types of assets:

Machine Assets

Machine assets represent different types of machines across your network: servers, personal computers, firewalls, etc.

User Assets

User assets represent the various system and human user accounts across your environment: usernames, user_ids, email_addresses, first_name, last_name, etc.

Create a New Asset

  1. In Graylog, select the dropdown menu on the Graylog logo and click Security. You have now changed your view to the Security layout where all your security-related content is located.

  2. Select Assets from the top-level menu. On this page you will find the two asset types: machines and users. Select the desired asset type from the tab header.

  3. Finally, click on the New Asset button; this will initiate the process for creating your new asset.

Warning: Tracking historical changes made to an asset over time can be performed in the audit logs by searching for the asset ID or more manually tracked using the Custom Fields section. For example, if a machine asset is being passed from one owner to the next, a list of previous owners can be tracked in a custom string field named previousOwner.

Create a New Machine Asset

To create machine assets, navigate to Assets > Machines then click on the New Asset button. Follow the configuration wizard to configure a new machine asset. At a minimum, machine assets must have a name and at least one IP address, host name, or MAC address.

Configuration Parameters

General Info
  • Asset Name: The unique display name for the asset. This must be unique across all asset types.

  • Owner: Person/Group who owns this machine.

  • IP Addresses: IP addresses associated with the asset.

  • Hostnames: Hostnames associated with the asset.

  • MAC Addresses: MAC addresses of the asset.

  • Categories: Tags for the asset. A list of categories can be configured in the Assets > Config menu.

  • Priority: Asset priority. A list of priorities can be configured in the Assets > Config menu.

  • Description: Provide a description of the asset.


This section comprises of fields related to the physical location of the asset. These fields are optional.

Custom Fields

The custom fields section can be used to track any other necessary information about a machine asset as it allows for the inclusion of additional information required for machine assets beyond what is provided in the user interface. Each custom field has a name, type (string, date, or number), and a set of values.

Create a New User Asset

To create user assets, navigate to Assets > Users then click on the New Asset button. Follow the configuration wizard to configure a new user asset. At a minimum, user assets will need to have an asset name and at least one username.

Configuration Parameters

  • Asset Name: The unique display name for the asset. This must be unique across all asset types.

  • Category: Tags for the asset. A list of categories can be configured in the Assets > Config menu.

  • Priority: Asset priority. A list of priorities can be configured in the Assets > Config menu.

  • Usernames: Usernames associated to the user.

  • User IDs: Unique identifiers for the user other than username: for example, a Windows SID or UUID.

  • Email Addresses: Any email addresses associated with the user.

  • First Name: User's first name.

  • Last Name: User's last name.

Configuration Menu

Manage Asset Priorities and Categories

Each asset can be assigned a priority and multiple categories.

Manage Asset Priority

Priorities are used to classify importance of machine and user assets. For example, a user asset with a common account would likely have a lower priority than that of an admin user account with more privileged access to the network. There is a default list of priorities including Low, Medium, High, and Critical, which can be customized in the tab.

Manage Asset Category

Categories are used as tags to group and sort assets. There are no default categories; you can either add from the Config tab or when creating or editing an asset. Once a category has been created through either method, it will become available in the Category drop-down list to be assigned to future assets. Categories can also be assigned via bulk action, by selecting your assets on the Assets page, then click on the Bulk Actions button and select Add Category.

Import Assets from AD/LDAP

In addition to creating assets manually, assets can be imported from external Active Directory or LDAP sources. You have the capability to configure a connection to an Active Directory/LDAP server, configure filter options to target which user(s) or machine(s) to import from the AD/LDAP server, and control how the external entities are mapped to the Graylog asset schema.

Create a New Asset Source

From theSources tab on the Assets page, new sources can be created by clicking the New Source button and selecting which asset source (LDAP/Active Directory) to create from the drop-down options.

Existing sources can be edited by clicking on the ellipsis on a selected asset source and clicking the Edit option.

When adding or editing an asset source, follow the configuration wizard and fill out the required attributes for connection and mapping configurations.

Configuration Parameters

  • Title: A unique title for your source connection.

  • Server Address: The IP or hostname of the AD or LDAP server.

  • Port: The port on the AD or LDAP server to connect to. AD and LDAP use 389 and 636 by default.

  • Transport Security: When connecting to the source server, you have the choice to use either TLS or Start TLS. It is highly advisable to utilize TLS for communication with your asset sources, as it guarantees encryption of asset details, ensuring their confidentiality.

  • Verify Certificates: If TLS or Start TLS is selected, this controls whether or not to verify the certificates used with a Certificate Authority.

  • System User DN: This is the username for the initial connection to the server, e.g. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com. This might be optional depending on your server configuration

  • System Password: The password for the initial connection to the server

  • Description: An optional description of the asset source.

You can then test the server connection by clicking on the Test Server Connection button to the right of the configuration wizard, save the asset connection configurations then proceed to configure assset mapping(s).

Warning: It is possible that a connection test can succeed, but importing assets may fail if the system user is incorrectly configured or lacks the requisite permissions.

Create an Asset Import Mapping

After setting up the asset connection, you can create multiple queries to import specific subsets of data. For example, you can import "just the admin users" or "just the laptops." This is achieved by defining one or more import mapping configuration that determine which assets are imported from the parent source and how entries in LDAP or AD map to imported assets in the Graylog asset schema.

Once an asset connection is established, you have access to all existing mapping configurations. You can then continue with the configuration wizard to define mappings configuration.

Configuration Parameters

  • Asset Type: The type of asset created in Graylog upon import.

  • Mapping Title: A user-defined title for this import mapping configuration.

  • Search Base DN: The base tree to limit the search for which entries to query from the asset source.

  • Search Pattern: The search pattern to target which entries to import from the asset source.

  • Categories/Priority: What asset categories and priority to assign to all assets imported with this mapping configuration.

  • Description: A more detailed description of the mapping configuration.

  • User Asset Mapping: In this section, you define what source entry attribute field should map to each Graylog asset field. The configurable fields will vary based on the asset type selected. In the screenshot above, we see a User Asset Mapping, which contains options for the fields corresponding to a Graylog User Asset.

Hint: If a user asset type is selected, one configurable field will be User ID Attribute, and the value entered should contain the name of the asset source attribute field that will be mapped to the created Graylog asset, e.g.(uid). In this case, when assets are imported, if a source entry has user123 in the User IDs field, then the created Graylog asset will also have user123 in its User IDs field. The configuration for mapping the Unique ID Attribute during Active Directory user asset import is hard coded to use objectGUID as the Unique ID mapping value.

Once values have been entered, a mapping configuration can be tested by clicking the Test Mapping button. This will perform a dry run import and present a sample of what imported assets will look like. Any needed changes can be made and re-tested before the configuration is saved and an actual import is initiated.

Import Assets

Once both connection and mapping configurations are saved, an asset import can be initiated by clicking on the Actions button and selecting the import option from the drop-down menu. This action will pull the targeted entries from the asset source, map them based on the mapping configuration, and create assets in Graylog that can be viewed from the Assets page.

Warning: Each time you import assets for a specific mapping, all previously imported data from that mapping will be entirely removed and replaced with new assets. This means that even if an asset source remains unchanged, re-importing will lead to the original asset being substituted by a new one. Essentially, only messages associated with the re-imported asset will be visible in subsequent searches.

Manage Asset Sources and Mappings

The following user permissions are required for the management of asset sources and mappings:

  • asset:read: Viewing and listing asset sources.

  • asset:edit: Creating, editing, and deleting sources.

  • asset:read: Viewing and listing asset source mappings.

  • asset:create: Creating, editing, and deleting source mappings.

Create Pipeline Rules with Assets

A set of pipeline rules can be used to set the associate_assets field on a message, update existing assets, and retrieve asset information to further enrich messages. Asset-related pipeline functions allow you to do more with assets via processing pipelines.


This pipeline rule populates the associated_assets and associated_asset_categories fields on the message using GIM schema fields. The associated assets field will be an array with the ID of each asset that matches a field on the message to an asset field of the same type. The associated_assets field will determine which assets are displayed on the expanded log message on the search page. The associated_asset_categories field will be an array with categories from all associated assets.

Machine Asset Message Fields

The following fields are used to associate machine assets:

IP Address Message Fields MAC Address Message Fields Hostname Message Fields

































User Asset Message Fields

The following fields are used to associate user assets:

Username Message Fields User ID Message Fields Email Message Fields









Warning: This function uses an in-memory cache to limit the amount of DB calls required to associate an asset with a message.


This pipeline rule takes a lookup_type and value parameter. lookup_type can be either name, ip, mac, or hostname. The value field is the value used to look up the specified type. The rule assumes that the lookup will be unique, so if multiple assets happen to match the lookup, only one will be returned. If the lookup has a match, it will return a map with the following structure:

  "id": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "priority": number,
  "category": ["string", "array"],
  "details": {
    "type": "machine",
    "description": "string",
    "owner": "string",
    "ip_addresses": ["string", "array"],
    "mac_addresses": ["string", "array"],
    "hostnames": ["string", "array"],
    "custom_fields": Map

The custom_fields map structure will depend on the custom fields defined for a given asset. Each entry will have a string key and an array of values that are either strings, dates, or numbers.

These fields can then be used to enrich the message in a more targeted way than the set_associated_assets rule. For example, to look up an asset by the source_ip field and then set fields on the message based on the asset returned would look similar to:

rule "machine_asset_lookup"
    let asset = machine_asset_lookup(lookup_type:"ip", value:to_string($message.source_ip));
    let details = asset.details;
    set_field("asset_description", details.description);
    set_field("asset_ips", details.ip_addresses);
    set_field("asset_macs", details.mac_addresses);
    set_field("asset_hostnames", details.hostnames);


This rule will update IP addresses and hostnames of existing machine assets. The parameters are:

  • lookup_type: Either name, ip, mac, or hostname.

  • lookup_value: The value for the lookup_type.

  • ip_addresses: String or array of IP addresses to update the asset with [optional].

  • hostnames: String or array of hostnames to update the asset with [optional].

rule "machine_asset_update"
    machine_asset_update(lookup_type:"mac", lookup_value:"AA:BB", ip_addresses:"");

Using this rule on DHCP logs, for example, can keep existing assets up to date based on incoming logs.

rule "machine_asset_update"
    machine_asset_update(lookup_type:"mac", lookup_value:$message.mac, ip_addresses:to_string($message.new_ip));


This pipeline rule is used to look up a user asset and enrich log messages with user asset data. The rule takes a lookup_type and value parameter. lookup_type can be either name, username, user_id, or email. The value field is the value to be used in looking up the specified type. The rule assumes that the lookup will be unique, so if multiple assets happen to match the lookup, only one will be returned. If the lookup has a match, it will return a map with the following structure:

  "id": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "priority": number,
  "category": ["string", "array"],
  "details": {
    "type": "user",
    "description": "string",
    "username": "string",
    "user_ids": ["string", "array"],
    "email_addresses": ["string", "array"],
    "first_name": "string",
    "last_name": "string"

These fields can then be used to enrich the message in a more targeted way than the set_associated_assets rule. For example, looking up an asset by the username field and then set fields on the message based on the asset returned would look similar to:

rule "user_asset_lookup"
    let asset = user_asset_lookup(lookup_type:"username", value:"username");
    let details = asset.details;
    set_field("asset_type", details.type);
    set_field("asset_username", details.username);
    set_field("asset_user_ids", details.user_ids);
    set_field("asset_emails", details.email_addresses);

Associate Assets in Search Results

Hint: See the related Graylog article on upgrading to the newest Illuminate version.

When the Illuminate bundle is activated, the pack will automatically run the set_associated_assets pipeline rule for all messages.

However, you have the option to specifically apply the set_associated_assets pipeline rule for a subset of logs. In this case, you would not enable the Illuminate assets processing pack but rather would implement the set_associated_assets pipeline function themselves by putting the set_associated_assets in a pipeline rule, adding it to a pipeline, setting filters, and/or assigning it to a selected stream(s).

This functionality is customizable to the extent that you can either apply it to all logs by enabling the Illuminate processing pack or to a subset of logs by manually configuring and applying the rule. Refer to our documentation on pipelines for more information on creating pipeline rules.

Once a message has been enriched with the associated_assets fields, those fields can be displayed in the expanded log view of an individual message. The details of each associated asset can then be expanded as well.

In addition to viewing the asset in search results, you also have the capability to add an asset to the search query and to pivot into any log message associated with that asset.

Pivot to an Asset Search

This capability allows you to view an asset in search results and transition to exploring additional logs related to that specific asset for further investigation. For instance, if a log message identifies a finance department's computer as an asset, you can pivot and access all logs associated with that machine, allowing for a deeper delve into its activities.

To pivot to an asset search, click the Add to query button for a particular asset to view all log messages for that asset. Note that the asset ID is then added to the search query for the associated_assets field.

Search for Assets

On the Assets page, you can search for assets. This functionality allows you to create a search query based on asset information. You can search for assets individually or in bulk.

To search for an individual asset, click the ellipsis for the selected asset and choose the Search for asset option.

To perform bulk searches, choose the assets you want to search, then click on the Bulk Actions button and search for the selected assets.

Asset Management Use Cases

Scenario 1: Searching for Users/Machines

Let's say a user has two different user accounts (bill.murray and bmurray) as well as two different emails ( and If you want to search across all logs for that user:

  1. Navigate to the Security/Assets menu header and click the User Assets tab. Then select the ellipsis next to the selected user asset.

  2. Select Search for Asset from the menu options.

  3. You will receive results for any message that contains any of the various user names or email addresses.

This same scenario applies to machine assets with multiple IP addresses, hostnames, etc.

Scenario 2: Searching for Additional Logs about a Machine after Spotting Suspicious Activity

While sifting through logs in Graylog, you see an unusual message and want to see other logs from that specific machine or user. As an example, in the screenshot below, you see failed logins heading to a particular machine and want to see other messages from that machine. To do this, you could select the asset on the left and then Add to Query:

This will add the asset to the query, so now we are looking at logins just for that asset.