Search Your Log Data
The search page serves as the central hub of Graylog, where you can execute searches (queries) and visualize the results using a wide range of widgets. Any search can be saved or exported as a dashboard, allowing for easy reuse of specific search configurations. Dashboards offer the flexibility of widget-specific search queries and can be shared with others to enhance their work-flows. To further enhance the workflow, parameters can also be incorporated into the search query.
Select Search Undo/Redo
You may go one step back or forward in search or dashboard views using the search undo/redo feature. The undo/redo button can be found in the left sidebar of your search page.
If you decide to resize a widget or rearrange a dashboard but are not happy with the outcome, you can revert to the previous state with the undo/redo button. You can experiment with various views without affecting the current dashboard.
Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Search
Graylog provides the following shortcuts to navigate the search page without using your mouse.
Action | Shortcut |
Show available keyboard shortcuts | ?
Undo last action | Ctrl + shift + z
Redo last action | Ctrl + shift +y
Save search | Ctrl + s
Save search as | Ctrl + shift +s
Show scratchpad | Ctrl + /
+ ?
in the Graylog UI brings up a dialogue box that lists available shortcuts for that page. The dialog box will only contain available shortcuts for the page you are on.