The following content pack is available for use with a Graylog Illuminate license and Graylog Enterprise or Graylog Security. Contact sales to learn more about obtaining Illuminate.

Amazon Security Lake is a purpose-built data lake that centralizes security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on-premises, and cloud sources. It converts incoming security data logs to the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) open standard.

Supported Version(s)

  • Tested with AWS Security Lake in January 2024. Requires at least Graylog 5.1.10 or 5.2.3.

Stream Configuration

This technology pack includes one stream:

  • "Illuminate:AWS Security Lake Messages"

Hint: If this stream does not exist prior to the activation of this pack, then it will be created and configured to route messages to this stream and the associated index set. There should not be any stream rules configured for this stream.

Index Set Configuration

This technology pack includes one index set definition:

  • "AWS Security Lake Logs"

Hint: If this index set is already defined, then nothing will be changed. If this index set does not exist, then it will be created with retention settings of a daily rotation and 90 days of retention. These settings can be adjusted as required after installation.

Supported Log Types

The content pack parses out supported objects. Regardless of the source, if the data is present in the objects listed below, the pack will parse them out. Currently, we support these objects:


Hint: Fields with sub or subclasses are not fully supported with the Graylog search engine due to complex data types.

Log Format Example

Route53 logs

{"metadata":{"product":{"version":"1.100000","name":"Route 53","feature":{"name":"Resolver Query Logs"},"vendor_name":"AWS"},"version":"0.26.1"},"cloud":{"account_uid":"67654654","region":"ap-northeast-1","provider":"AWS"},"src_endpoint":{"vpc_uid":"vpc-02c62c77516baa087","ip":"","port":37554,"instance_uid":"i-018c0e79fa98b93f3"},"time":"1676953179000","query":{"hostname":"","type":"A","class":"IN"},"rcode":"NOERROR","answers":[{"type":"A","rdata":"","class":"IN"},{"type":"A","rdata":"","class":"IN"},{"type":"A","rdata":"","class":"IN"},{"type":"A","rdata":"","class":"IN"},{"type":"A","rdata":"","class":"IN"}],"connection_info":{"protocol_name":"UDP","direction":"Lateral","direction_id":3},"dst_endpoint":{"instance_uid":"None","interface_uid":"None"},"severity_id":"-1","severity":"Other","class_name":"DNS Activity","class_uid":"4003","category_name":"Network Activity","category_uid":"4","rcode_id":"0","activity_id":"1","activity_name":"Resolved","type_name":"DNS Activity: Resolved","type_uid":"400301","unmapped":"None"}


Configure AWS Security Lake Input

For configuration please consult the following documentation.

What is Provided

  • Parsing rules to extract AWS Security Lake logs into Graylog schema-compatible fields.

  • Categorization of the Security Findings, Account Change, Authentication, Network and DNS activities.

  • Dashboards for: Overview, Network, Alerts, Authentication, IAM and DNS Activities.

Security Lake Spotlight Content Pack

The Security Lake Spotlight content pack contains:

Security Lake Overview tab: Overview

Security Lake Overview tab: Network

Security Lake Overview tab: Alerts

Security Lake Overview tab: Authentication Overview

Security Lake Overview tab: IAM Overview

Security Lake Overview tab: DNS Overview