Cloudflare is a comprehensive cloud web-based security and performance platform that works by filtering out malicious traffic, preventing cyberattacks like DDoS, and optimizing content delivery to ensure faster loading times for users.
This technology pack will process Cloudflare logs, providing normalization and enrichment of those events.
Supported Version(s)
Cloudflare 2024.10.2
Stream Configuration
This technology pack includes one stream:
"Illuminate:Cloudflare Messages"
Index Set Configuration
This technology pack includes one index set definition:
- "Cloudflare Event Log Messages"
Log Collection
You can leverage Graylog's Raw HTTP input to receive logs directly from Cloudflare via its Logpush functionality. By configuring Logpush, users can define which types of logs to send (e.g. HTTP requests, firewall events) and specify Graylog as the destination endpoint. This allows seamless log forwarding from Cloudflare to Graylog for centralized log analysis. For detailed instructions, refer to the Graylog documentation on setting up Logpush with the Raw HTTP input.
Graylog Server Configuration
Create a new Raw HTTP input for receiving Cloudflare logs, unless one already exists. This input must be used for Cloudflare logs only.
Once created (or if the Raw HTTP input has already been created), click Show received messages to obtain the input ID (this will pull up a search window with the All Time timeframe). If there are a large number of logs, then you may want to adjust the timeframe to speed up the process.
Copy the
value. -
Navigate to Enterprise >Illuminate and select the Customization tab.
Locate the
title and click Edit on the right. For thecontent_name
key, enter thegl2_source_input
ID copied earlier. For theinput_id
value, entercloudflare
. (Note that the column names are reversed; this will be corrected in a future release). -
Select Configure value to confirm.
If receiving Cloudflare logs on multiple inputs, repeat this process for each input.
Log Format Example
{"Action":"log","ClientASN":209,"ClientASNDescription":"CENTURYLINK-US-LEGACY-QWEST","ClientCountry":"us","ClientIP":"","ClientIPClass":"noRecord","ClientRefererHost":"","ClientRefererPath":"","ClientRefererQuery":"","ClientRefererScheme":"","ClientRequestHost":"","ClientRequestMethod":"GET","ClientRequestPath":"/","ClientRequestProtocol":"HTTP/1.1","ClientRequestQuery":"","ClientRequestScheme":"http","ClientRequestUserAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36","ContentScanObjResults":[],"ContentScanObjSizes":[],"ContentScanObjTypes":[],"Datetime":"2024-10-16T14:03:41Z","Description":"Test_WAF","EdgeColoCode":"DFW","EdgeResponseStatus":404,"Kind":"firewall","LeakedCredentialCheckResult":"none","MatchIndex":0,"Metadata":{"ruleset_version":"2","version":"1","type":"customer"},"OriginResponseStatus":404,"OriginatorRayID":"00","RayID":"8d389800b7c76c57","Ref":"","RuleID":"af14fd3aedda46898b13c9d033ad0a5f","Source":"firewallcustom"}
What is Provided
- We provide categorization for the following log types:
HTTP Requests
Firewall Events
DNS logs
- We provide parsing rules to normalize and enrich Cloudflare log messages.
Events Processed by This Technology Pack
The Cloudflare content pack supports parsing and GIM categorization for the HTTP Request
, Firewall Events
, and DNS Logs
Cloudflare Spotlight Content Pack
Cloudflare: Overview Tab
Cloudflare: HTTP Overview Tab