Breaking Changes

Changed Default Number of Process-Buffer and Output-Buffer Processors

The default values for the configuration settings processbuffer_processors and outputbuffer_processors have been changed. The values will now be calculated based on the number of CPU cores available to the JVM. If you have not explicitly set values for these settings in your configuration file, the new defaults apply.

The new defaults should improve performance of your system; however, if you want to continue running your system with the previous defaults, please add the following settings to your configuration file:

processbuffer_processors = 5
outputbuffer_processors = 3

Prometheus Metrics

The name of the jvm_classes_loaded metric has been changed.

Prometheus queries referencing jvm_classes_loaded need to be adapted to the new name jvm_classes_currently_loaded.

Authentication Required to Use API browser

You now have to log in before visiting the API browser. It is sufficient to log in with any user known to Graylog. No particular permissions are required.

The username/password field was removed from the header of the API browser. If you want to perform API requests with different credentials, they must log out of Graylog and re-login with another user.


Removal of systemnavigation web interface plugin. Previously it was possible to register options for the system drop down in the navigation by using the systemnavigation plugin. Now this can be achieved by registering a navigation plugin. The plugin entity needs the description System and children (array). Every child represents a drop down option and needs a path and description attribute.

Template Language Change

Graylog uses JMTE for a variety of templates (see below for a list of affected features). This library has been updated to version 7.0.2, which contains a breaking change, potentially affecting user generated templates.

Previously an if statement in a template could compare a property to an unquoted string. This is no longer possible and will likely result in an error:

Valid before:

{if property='somestring'}

No default templates used this form, and no examples using this syntax were provided, so impact is likely to be minimal.

Templates using the JMTE library are potentially affected and should to be checked for compatibility:

  • Decorators on search results

  • Custom event fields

  • HTTP event notifications

  • Script event notifications

  • Slack event notifications

  • MS Teams event notifications

  • Archive directory naming

  • HTTP JsonPath lookup table adapter

Not affected by this change are the following templates using Freemarker:

  • Sidecar configurations

Enterprise Theme Customization

In case you are using the enterprise customization feature, you might need to adjust the newly added gray color on the customization page, due to some theme structure changes.

This should just affect the input and table header colors, other colors should look like before the upgrade.

Configuration File Changes

Option Action Description
disabled_retention_strategies added Disables the specified retention strategies. By default, strategies none and close are now disabled in new installations. Strategies can be re-enabled simply by removing from this list. Do not extend this list on existing installs!
field_value_suggestion_mode added Allows controlling field value suggestions, turning them on, off, or allowing them only for textual fields.

Asset Import Changes

Graylog 5.2 introduced the Assets feature and the ability to import Assets from Active Directory. Previously Graylog users could define any AD attribute to map to a Graylog Asset's User ID field.

This functionality has been amended to only allow the Active Directory SID attribute for AD User Asset import mapping configurations to better align with the GIM schema and allow for targeted handling of AD SIDs.

Any existing Active Directory User Asset import configurations will be automatically updated to use the SID as the Unique ID attribute, potentially changing the behavior of subsequent imports by those configurations.

Input Log Parsing Changes

Log parsing changes have been made in several inputs in preparation for Illuminate parsing content. Note that additional message parsing for these inputs is expected to be released in an upcoming release of Graylog Illuminate.

AWS Security Lake input

Changed Fields

  • message: Now contains the full JSON content of the log message.

  • The message timestamp field is now set to the current Graylog system date/time, instead of the previously used log time value. The event_created field now contains the previous time value for backwards-compatibility.

Added Fields

  • event_created: Contains the time log value.

  • event_source_input: Contains the static value aws_security_lake.

  • vendor_event_type: Contains the type_name log value (previously in the event_log_name field).

  • vendor_event_severity: Contains the severity log value (previously in the event_severity field).

  • vendor_version: Contains the metadata.product.version log value.

Removed Fields

  • answers
  • api
  • class_name (this value is still available in the source field)
  • cloud
  • compliance
  • confidence
  • connection_info
  • destination_ip
  • destination_port
  • destination_subnet_id
  • destination_vpc_id
  • event_action,
  • event_end
  • event_log_name
  • event_severity
  • event_start
  • finding
  • http_request
  • identity
  • malware
  • process
  • query
  • rcode
  • source_ip
  • source_port
  • source_subnet_id
  • source_vpc_id
  • traffic
  • vulnerabilities

Office 365 Input

Changed Fields

  • message: Now contains the full JSON content of the log message. The vendor_event_description field now contains the previous message field value for backwards-compatibility.

  • The message timestamp field is now set to the current Graylog system date/time instead of the previously used log CreationTime value. The event_created field now contains the previous CreationTime value for backwards-compatibility.

  • vendor_event_description: Now contains the value which was previously present in the message log field.

Added Fields

  • event_created: Contains the CreationTime log value.

  • event_source_product: Contains the static value o365.

  • vendor_subtype: Contains the Workload log value.

  • vendor_version: Contains the Version log value.

Okta Log Events Input

Several log parsing changes have been made to the Okta Log Events input in preparation for Illuminate parsing content.

Changed Fields

  • message: Now contains the full JSON content of the log message. The vendor_event_description field now contains the previous message field value for backwards-compatibility.

  • The message timestamp field is now set to the current Graylog system date/time, instead of the previously used log published value. The event_created field now contains the previous published value for backwards-compatibility.

  • vendor_event_description: Now contains the value which was previously present in the message log field.

Added Fields

  • event_created: Contains the published log value.

  • event_source_product: Contains the static value okta.

  • vendor_event_type: Contains the eventType log value.

  • vendor_version: Contains the version log value.

F5 BIG-IP Input

Changed Fields

  • message: Now contains the full text content of the log message. The vendor_event_description field now contains the previous message field value for backwards-compatibility.

  • The message timestamp field is now set to the current Graylog system date/time, instead of the previously used log vendorTimestamp, eventCreated, or timestamp values. The event_created field now contains the previous vendorTimestamp, eventCreated, or timestamp value for backwards-compatibility.

  • source: Now contains the host log value if present, or the static value F5 BIG-IP used previously if not.

  • vendor_event_description: Now contains the value which was previously present in the message log field.

Added Fields

  • event_created: Contains the vendorTimestamp, eventCreated, or timestamp log value.

  • event_source_product: Contains the static value f5_big-ip.

Removed Fields

  • host_name (this value is still available in the source field)
  • log_level
  • service
  • vendor_event_description

Newly Stored Message Fields

The following fields will be added to every Message. The data of the fields is not accounted as outgoing traffic.

  • gl2_receive_timestamp: The time the message was received.

  • gl2_processing_timestamp: The time the message was processed and will be sent to an output.

  • gl2_processing_duration_ms: The duration between the receive and processing times.

Java API Changes

The following Java Code API changes have been made.

File/Method Description
org.graylog2.plugin.MessageFactory.createMessage(String, String, DateTime) New factory method to create Message instance
org.graylog2.plugin.MessageFactory.createMessage(Map<String, Object>) New factory method to create Message instance
org.graylog2.plugin.MessageFactory.createMessage(String, Map<String, Object>) New factory method to create Message instance
org.graylog2.plugin.Message(String, String, DateTime) Constructor became package-private
org.graylog2.plugin.Message(Map<String, Object>) Constructor became package-private
org.graylog2.plugin.Message(String, Map<String, Object>) Constructor became package-private
org.graylog2.plugin.Message#addStringFields Deprecated method removed
org.graylog2.plugin.Message#addLongFields Deprecated method removed


Deprecated method removed


Deprecated method removed


Unused class removed

Unused exception class removed


Method parameter list modified

Message Factory

New org.graylog2.plugin.Message instances must now be created by using a org.graylog2.plugin.MessageFactory method.

The previous constructors on Message are now package-private and can't be accessed by code in other packages anymore. The package-private constructors in Message might change in any release and are not considered a stable API anymore.

Code that creates messages must now inject a MessageFactory and use one of the createMessage() methods to create new Message instances.

Transition from the Javax to the Jakarta Namespace

Graylog was using various annotations from the javax.* packages, e.g. to annotate REST resources or to facilitate dependency injection. The package name for some of these annotations has been changed to jakarta.*. For a plugin to keep working as expected, its code needs to be adjusted to also use the new package names.

Previous Name New Name
javax.annotation.Priority jakarta.annotation.Priority
javax.inject.* jakarta.inject.*
javax.validation.* jakarta.validation.***

Removal of Mongojack 2 Dependency

The Java dependency on the Mongojack 2 library was removed and replaced with a compatibility layer. Plugins that interact with MongoDB might need to be modified if they use Mongojack functionality that is not commonly used throughout the Graylog core code base.