This is a Graylog Enterprise feature and is only available since Graylog v3.3+. A valid Graylog Enterprise license is required.

TCP Syslog Output allows you to send data as UTF-8 encoded text to an arbitrary TCP Syslog receiver. The formatted payload is sent as the MSG portion of a standard Syslog message per section 6.4 of the Syslog specification.

Output Configuration

The TCP Syslog Output supports all of the standard Operations Output Framework configuration options.

TCP Configuration

See: TCP Configuration

TCP Syslog Configuration

  • Syslog Facility
    • A numeric value in the range of 0 - 23 (inclusive).
    • Defined in Section 6.2.1 of the Syslog specification.
  • Syslog Severity
    • A numeric value in the range of 0 - 7 (inclusive).
    • Defined in Section 6.2.1 of the Syslog specification.