This is a Graylog Enterprise feature and is only available since Graylog v3.3+. A valid Graylog Enterprise license is required.

TCP Raw/Plaintext Output allows you to send data as UTF-8 encoded text to an arbitrary TCP endpoint (server and port). The data is sent with no additional formatting or encapsulation.

Output Configuration

The Raw/Plaintext TCP Output supports all of the standard Operations Output Framework configuration options.

TCP Configuration

  • Destination IP Address
    • The IP address of the system that will receive the messages.
  • Destination Port
    • The port on which the destination system will listen for messages.
  • Frame Delimiting Method
    • Separates individual messages in the stream.
    • Frame delimiting methods are defined in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 of IETF RFC 6587.
      • Newline Character A newline character is appended to each message to mark the end of the message. Any newline characters within the message are escaped before sending.
      • Null Character A null character is appended to each message to mark the end of the message. Any null characters within the message are escaped before sending.
      • Octet Counting The length of the message (in bytes) and a space character for separation are prepended to the message. The contents of the message will not be altered.